Our primary mission is to multiply believers and churches; discipling them in the Word, worship, fellowship, and evangelism as we seek to fulfill the Great Commission together as the Body of Christ.
We are passionate about ministering to the unique challenges faced by each generation in a manner that is both Biblical and relatable to everyday life.
Above all else, we desire to be a people know by our pursuit and proclamation of Jesus Christ.
Our purpose defines our common cause as ministers and churches – the “Why” behind the “What” – it serves to unify us as we proclaim the Kingdom of God together.
God has called IPHC Mississippi to become a Kingdom of worshipping priests who will worship Him with all our beings – spirit, soul, and body. WE are to live lives of worship, continually giving praise to our Lord. Our churches are to be noted for their praise and celebration. We are to learn a worship lifestyle that will model for the whole world what it means to love God with all might, mind, and means.
God has called IPHC Mississippi to become a learning community of believers who give themselves to maturing and maximizing the gifts and calling of each member of the community. We commit ourselves to equipping the saints for their work of ministry and teaching them a lifestyle of learning that we may all grow in the knowledge of God and in effectiveness in ministry.
God has called IPHC Mississippi to be houses of prayer. We are to be known as “prayer warriors” accepting that those who know God best are the richest and most powerful in prayer (E.M. Bounds). We will give our lives to prayer and intercession realizing that unless we become a house of prayer, we will find ourselves on the outside of the Lord’s purposes and intent for His people.
God has called IPHC Mississippi to be voices of Truth proclaiming the “whole Bible for the whole man” without fear or compromise. We are to be known as “People of the Book” demonstrating lives of faith and obedience that flow out of God’s infallible, inerrant, Word. Paul’s instruction to Timothy to “Preach the Word” says it best. We are to be a people dedicated to providing clear, Biblical instruction concerning spiritual life and godliness for the disciple of Christ.
God has called IPHC Mississippi to become an army of witnesses who will live to share the Good News. Our entire lifestyle is to be built around the passion to witness. We are to witness as we travel, study, eat, work, and play. We are to choose our vocations, homes, church sites, mode of dress, language, friends, and neighbors to better witness to our generation.
God has called IPCH Mississippi to become a unique instrument of world evangelism that will penetrate many unreached peoples of this earth with the gospel. We are to gear up like an invading army to go into enemy strongholds with our lifestyle of worship, learning, and witness to build the Kingdom of God and establish the reign of King Jesus.
We understand that to accomplish our purpose, we must work together toward common goals with a desperate dependence on the Holy Spirit. We must affirm our role in the larger community of faith that is the Mississippi Conference of the International Pentecostal Holiness Church. We must endeavor “to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace” recognizing that there is one body, and one Spirit, even as we are called in one hope of our calling; One Lord, one faith, one baptism, One God and Father of all, who is above all, and through all, and in us all.
We may meet in different locations and enjoy a variety of styles of worship, but we are one church – we are one body of believers – we are the International Pentecostal Holiness Church.
Therefore, we strive to follow the New Testament Church model as closely as possible. Our vision for the Mississippi Conference can be stated in seven (7) Missional Mandates: (1) Conference Connection, (2) Intercessory Prayer, (3) Leadership Development, (4) Pastoral Care, (5) Church Revitalization, (6) Church Planting, and (7) Global Outreach.
Conference Connection – If fellowship (koinonia) was a hallmark of the early church, it is something we must be intentional about. Creating an environment of love and unity is a key factor in accomplishing the Great Commission. Connection speaks of the actions, intentions, and practices that hold a movement together. We must be committed to coming together as pastors and churches for mutual support, prayer, learning, ministry, and celebration (worship).
Intercessory Prayer – John Wesley wrote, “God does nothing, but in answer to prayer.” To realize the growth and advancement we envision, will require Supernatural enduement. No pastor or church can advance without the power of the Holy Spirit leading the way. We must develop a prayer culture in the Mississippi. The formation and training of intercessory prayer teams, designed prayer events in local churches, and an intentional and intense emphasis on the necessity of being a praying people must dominate our communication.
Leadership Development – Identifying and preparing leaders is our priority. This includes equipping men and women to serve as pastors, departmental leaders, ministry support staff, and ministry team-builders.
Pastoral Care – It is important that we throw off the “Lone Ranger” mindset and begin to bear one another’s burdens. Ministry is, at times, a lonely and difficult assignment. We must be committed to creating connections that serve to help the local pastor.
Church Revitalization – Pastors need to know that we will help them any way we can. When requested, we must make resources available to them, constantly remind them about the availability of the same, and encourage them to take advantage of them.
Church Planting – The only way we can truly sustain growth as a conference is in adding new churches. Church planting must become a priority.
Global Outreach – The IPHC is a missionary church with a global focus on evangelism. It is important that we see ourselves as a part of what God is doing around the world. We need to see an increase in emphasis, participation, and giving in IPHC World Missions.
Our Values
Our Vision, Purpose, and Mission rest on our core values. These seven values serve as the principles and priorities that guide the ministers, churches, and ministries of the Mississippi Conference and are essential to who we are and what we do.
Prayer. Without prayer, nothing else matters.
Truth. The Bible is our guidebook. Not just bits and pieces, but the entire Book. We are to protect its essential truths, proclaim it to this present generation, and pass it on to those who will take our place in the ongoing global drama of ministry and evangelism.
Pentecost. We are unashamed of our Pentecostal heritage and the Pentecostal experience and expression. We affirm that the gifts of the Spirit are active in the Church and operative in the world. We celebrate the Baptism in the Holy Spirit as a real and vital experience for every born-again believer. We embrace the call from the Word of God to live and walk in the Spirit
Leadership. We must engage, equip, and empower pastors, ministers, and local church leaders to do the work of the Kingdom of God. Leadership development is a priority as we pray the Lord of the Harvest to send laborers into the field.
Interdependence. More can be accomplished together than alone. We affirm that the Body of Christ is more effective as a Community of Faith, working and walking together. We are dedicated to building authentic relationships, sharing resources, taking time to train and fellowship together, and to pray daily for our co-laborers in the Lord.
Generosity. Everything we have belongs to God. He owns it all. He directs us in how we are to share and give out of the blessings He has so bountifully poured out on us.
Discipleship and Evangelism. Winning the Lost and discipling the saved is our only reason to exist as an organization. We affirm our call to reach this generation with the Gospel and enlarge the Kingdom of God.